Station Information

Station ID: 455
Latitude: 50.969399
Longitude: 1.86772
Coastline code: 190
Station code: 11
Country: FRANCE
Time span of data: 1941 – 2023
Completeness (%): 55
Date of last update: 30 Jan 2024

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Additional Data Sources (guide to additional data sources)

Nearby Real Time Stations from VLIZ: cala2, cala

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation - date unknown


Documentation added 1991-06-11

Calais 190/011 RLR(1975) is 12.7m below BMNGFNAL3.44(1981)

Documentation added 1994-10-21

December 1990-November 1991 no data available

Documentation added 1994-11-21

1984-1991 data unavailable because of poor quality

Documentation added 1999-09-09

no observations since November 1995

Documentation added 2001-12-06

Calais new acoustic gauge installed 8/11/1998 at 5058N 00152E (prev. 00151E). Acoustic gauge replaced by radar (Krohne BM70)gauge 23/4/2001. RLR redefined 6/12/2001 to different (more stable) benchmark. Calais RLR(1975) is 12.51m below BM NA L3.43a

Documentation added 2011-02-02

From information on the SHOM and SONEL websites the RLR diagram for Calais has been updated. Primary benchmark is now N.A.L.3 - 159. Datum remains the same so RLR unchanged.

Documentation added 2014-09-29

When downloaded from SONEL additional data points have been added for 1987-90. The whole dataset has been loaded to include these.

Documentation added 2016-06-21

When loading the 2015 dataset it was noted that data points for September-November 2011 and February 2012 had been revised.

Data Authority

13 rue de Chatelier
29200 BREST