Station Information

Station ID: 1631
Latitude: -21.649667
Longitude: 115.131528
Coastline code: 680
Station code: 483
Time span of data: 1985 – 2022
Completeness (%): 98
Date of last update: 01 Feb 2024

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation added 1995-05-02

Station density along some sections of the Australian coast has meant that station codes 601 onwards have been re-ordered compared to those in earlier versions of the PSMSL data set.

Documentation added 1996-05-20

Revised data for 1985-1986 received from the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology, South Australia

Documentation added 2010-08-24

Data supplier have confirmed tide gauge zero of datum is Chart Datum, and benchmark DOT 001 is 3.499 m above Chart Datum. RLR (2008) has been defined as 8.8 m below DOT 001

Documentation added 2021-02-05

The latest data available to download from the NTC for Lucinda is that for 2019.

Documentation added 2021-02-05

The latest data from the NTC available for download for Onslow is that for 2019.

Data Authority

National Tidal Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
PO Box 421
Kent Town 5071
South Australia

Documentation added 2010-08-12

Formerly known as the National Tidal Facility