Dr.Christopher W. Hughes CCMS Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Bidston Observatory L43 7RA, U.K. IAPSO Endorsement of GLOUP Activity Dear Dr Le Provost, I am writing to draw your attention to recent efforts at Bidston to assemble a global ocean bottom pressure database. GLOUP stands for Global Undersea Pressure, and its purpose is to provide easy access to the historical database of in-situ ocean bottom pressure measurements. There are currently 179 records available, of which 71 are short (< 100 days) and shallow (< 200 m), and 49 are long (> 100 days, mostly about a year, some 2 years, one 4 years) and deep (> 1000 m). These are mostly in the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and can currently be accessed on the World Wide Web from http://www.pol.ac.uk/psmslh/gloup/gloup.html For over 60 years, the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) at Bidston Observatory, operating under the auspices of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), has collected sea level records, analysed them, and distributed them to the scientific community. One of its tasks is to compile the IAPSO pelagic tidal constants dataset. The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) at Bidston is currently the WOCE "delayed mode" sea level Data Archiving Centre (DAC), and has a responsibility to WOCE for Bottom Pressure data collection. The data described above consists largely of the UK ACCLAIM project data from the Southern Ocean, plus data from the British Oceanographic Data Centre archives. The immediate reason for compiling these data in a more accessible database is the approval for launch of a satellite mission (GRACE) which promises to be able to measure fluctuations in ocean bottom pressure by the gravitational influence of the associated changes in the distribution of atmospheric and oceanic mass. This is a new form of technology whose limitations are not yet understood. Interpretation of GRACE results will be strongly dependent on the information from in-situ bottom pressure measurements and on the ability to model high frequency (periods less than 2 months) bottom pressure variations. An international meeting on ocean bottom pressure and GRACE was recently held in London, at which results were presented by several modellers, and compared with data from the earliest version of the GLOUP database. The value of the in situ data was clear, and promises of more historical data to add to the database were obtained from a number of attendees. In view of the international interest in bottom pressure data, I would like to request you, as the President of the IAPSO Commission on Mean Sea Level and Tides (CMSLT) which is the body to which the PSMSL reports, to enable the formal IAPSO endorsement of GLOUP at the IAPSO/IUGG Conference in Birmingham in July as an IAPSO activity managed within the PSMSL at Bidston, as the IAPSO pelagic tidal constants set is managed at resent. IAPSO endorsement will be very valuable in establishing GLOUP as the official repository for ocean bottom pressure data, and making these data easily accessible. The endorsement of such an activity will also be sought from the IOC/GLOSS Group of Experts at their Sixth Meeting in Toulouse in May. Long-term stability and quality control of the database will be assured by the close links between GLOUP/PSMSL, IOC/GLOSS, and with the British Oceanographic Data Centre. Yours sincerely, Dr C W Hughes Christopher W. Hughes Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston Observatory, Birkenhead, Merseyside L43 7RA, U.K. Tel: +44-151-653 8633 Fax: 653 6269 URL: http://www.pol.ac.uk email: cwh@ccms.ac.uk