GLOSS PLAN OF ACTIONS 1999-2001 FOLLOWING THE REPORT OF THE GE6 MEETING IN TOULOUSE MAY 1999 with comments on progress up to April 2001 1. Production of GE6 report (IOC). Printed and available. 2. Presentation of GLOSS GE-6 report and Recommendations to IOC Assembly in June 1999 (Chairman/IOC). Done. 3. Publication of Toulouse workshop report (Mitchum/IOC). Being printed. Available as a pdf file. 4. Report on GLOSS and presentation at JCOMMTRAN-1 meeting in St. Petersburg in July 1999 and communication of recommendations from GE6 (Chairman/Zilberstein/Summerhayes). Done. A report was prepared for the meeting by Woodworth which was included in the meeting papers. Oleg Zilberstein presented the report at the meeting. 5. Arrangements for GLOSS representation at IUGG and IAPSO/CMSLT in Birmingham in July 1999 including presentation on GLOSS in a Union Symposium (Chairman/Le Provost). Done. Some GLOSS-related issues were discussed at IAPSO/CMSLT meeting. GLOSS poster was presented during Union Symposium U7. 6. Development of new web- and cdrom-based training materials on gauge operations including re-writing of 'IOC Manuals 1 and 2' (Chairman/Scherer et al). A prototype training web page has been produced by the PSMSL ( A 'Manual Volume 3' is available in draft form. 7. Production of an 'IOC Manual' on operating GPS at gauges as a 'living document' on the web (Bevis et al). As of October 2000, draft version being circulated. 8. Attendance at IGS processing meeting June 1999 to carry forward requirements for GPS data processing from gauges as discussed at GE6 (Bevis). 9. A further round of correspondence to all GLOSS Contacts and subsequent updating of the GLOSS Handbook. Extension of the Handbook to include photographs, information on site environmental conditions (hard rock etc.) and other metadata. Possible redefinition of the GLOSS Core Network following discussions at GE6 (Chairman/Rickards/IOC). Circular letter to all GLOSS Contacts was written 3/9/99 and was mailed by IOC. This letter also reminded Contacts of their obligations under Chapter 7 of the Implementation Plan (see item 11). October 2000: A further round of correspondence will be made soon as part of GLOSS Handbook updating. 10. Circulation of a questionnaire in which GLOSS stations have extra channels for additional C-GOOS parameters, information to be inserted into the GLOSS Handbook (Chairman). Done. Included in circular letter of item 9. 11. Production of summary of compliance of agencies with requirements of Chapter 7 of the GLOSS Implementation Plan (Rickards/Chairman). Done. The results of the survey are implied in the availability, or lack of it, of data from each station and country to be seen in the GLOSS Handbook web page This will be updated again in early 2000. 12. Repeat survey of GLOSS Contacts not on email (Chairman). Done. Included in circular letter of item 9. 13. Continuation and development of the two WOCE Sea Level Centres and Southern Ocean Sea Level Centre, the UHSLC to be recognized as the 'GLOSS Fast Delivery Sea Level Centre' (Merrifield/Rickards/Scherer). 14. Letters to be sent to all GLOSS Contacts stressing the importance of 'real time' data with data sent to the GLOSS FD Centre, and pointing out the possibilities of new technology (shaft encoders etc.) (Chairman/IOC). Done. Included in circular letter of item 9. 15. GLOSS Data Management Committee to determine ways in which the two WOCE Sea Level Centres (UHSLC and BODC) and others can work towards common products and implementation of the Implementation Plan (Rickards/Kilonsky/others). 16. Investigation of ways in which time series data of GPS coordinates can be conveyed to data centres for merging with sea level data (Bevis/Axe). 17. Scientific review paper on the applications of sea level data collected during WOCE (Merrifield/Rickards et al including Mitchum, Le Provost, Woodworth). Done. A review paper has been written for the journal Oceanography & Marine Biology. 18. Continued support of PSMSL activities with regard to GLOSS development (IOC). 19. Support of developments in sea level measurements in Africa including: - implementation of recommendations from the GE6 meeting and those of the University of Cape Town training course with regard to the establishment of an African GLOSS Network and associated tasks (Brundrit/IOC); - close contact between GE Chairman and IOC with A.Aman and A.Adekoya as the joint Regional Contacts for West Africa, M.Odido for East Africa and with G.Brundrit as GLOSS-Africa Chairman; Agora Aman will be in close contact with C.Le Provost in future, through IRD, and a cooperation programme between him and LEGOS under preparation. Within these interactions, particular contacts will be maintained with Philippe Techine, from LEGOS, in charge of the data collection of the sea level sub-network ROSAME, and the IRD station of Sao Tome. - organization by the African GLOSS Network of an International Conference on the scientific uses of sea level in East Africa within the next two years. Such a meeting would make use of the availability of a decade of sea level data from the region (Odido/Brundrit); - POL installation of a gauge at Tema, Ghana and if successful at Takoradi, these gauges to consist of R20's donated by Singapore (see below) with added shaft encoders; Proposals are (October 2000) are being investigated for POL or NIO, India to install pressure gauges at Tema or Tema plus Takoradi respectively. - follow-ups on fate of recently donated gauges to Nigeria (Escavros), Gambia, Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire (Adekoya/Aman); We believe the Cote d'Ivoire station has just been installed at San Pedro. A. Aman will confirm. - letter of support to the Director of the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMAR) regarding the importance of sea level monitoring in the Lagos area and at Escavros (Chairman/IOC); - letter to Cote d'Ivoire government responsible person regarding lack of data flow from the Abidjan gauge (Chairman/IOC); The tide gauge of Abidjan is under the responsability of the Port Authorities. A. Aman has a rendez-vous mid-December with these authorities. He is planning to get ancillary data, in paper form, and digitise them. - review of the sea level recording situation at Dakar, where a US-supported acoustic gauge is operated alongside a French IRD gauge at Goree island, with regard to possible rationalization, transfer to local responsibility, and overall improvement in local maintenance and data flow (Merrifield/Le Provost/Diaw); Le Provost has initiated an action under the control of Yves Du Penhoat from GRGS to collect information from IRD people in Dakar; no recent news as of 19/6/2000. - reviews of the maintenance situations of other US-supported gauges at Cape Verde and Lagos (Merrifield/Barbosa/Adekoya); June 2000: UH have decided to suspend maintenance visits to Lagos due to cost considerations and travel uncertainties. UH would be willing to supply parts, etc for the trained technician on-site, however, there seems to have been poor communications to date. Mark Merrifielf will double-check with technical staff to get a current update. (Mark and Larry Awosika will communicate.) - investigation of a possible Global Environmental Facility (GEF) bid for funds for a West African network (IOC/POL/Adekoya/Aman/Brundrit). January 2000: The preparations for this have been initiated by Colin Summerhayes at IOC as the run-up to the PACSICOM Partnership conference. East African Meeting. This meeting will be part of IOCINCWIO-V scheduled for 2001. The contact person is Mika Odido in Kenya. October 2000: Suggestions for a possible bid have been developed by Philip Woodworth and Thorkild Aarup. Being considered by Geoff Brundrit. 20. Investigation of possible support from foreign aid budgets of selected countries, and of the use of the Turner Fund at UNESCO (Aarup). January 2000: Thorkild Aarup has investigated the Turner Fund and decided it is not appropriate for GLOSS. See 21. Completion and publication of a report on the Arctic sea level network and communication of recommendations to national authorities (Plag/IOC). Done. Printed and available as a pdf file. 22. Installation of gauges in Vietnam at Qui Nohn by Indian Experts and Hon Dau by POL (DoD-SOI/POL). A planning meeting re. Hon Dau took place at POL August with a specialist from Vietnam with installation planned late 1999. However, this has since been set back a year or so as the area is being redeveloped with a new road bridge through the gauge site. 23. Distribution of 4 Ott R20 gauges from Singapore (POL). Two gauges were sent to Romania (summer 2000). Two others, not very serviceable are still at POL. 24. Distribution of some of the 15 acoustic gauges offered by Denmark and possibly several from South Africa (Aarup/Brundrit/Rosen/Scherer). Aarup has spoken with Arne Nielsen (Denmark) re. the donation of some of their used Sonar Research gauges. Nielsen confirmed that the offer to GLOSS of donation of these secondhand gauges still is on the table. However, due to the loss of some technicians at the Royal Danish Administration for Hydrography and Navigation the "old" gauges will first be replaced in the beginning of 2000. This will delay the possible delivery of gauge(s) to Israel for possible use in MedGLOSS. (July 1999). 25. Comparative study of new acoustic gauges (Sonar Research or MORS type) and other technologies by Perez (Spain), Waldron (South Africa), Israel (Rosen), Norway (Plag), France (Woppelmann) and Australia (Scherer). 26. Use of IOC resources for technical consultant(s) for gauge installations or leveling ties, and investigation of possible exchange programme of technical and scientific experts (Chairman/IOC). 27. Production of an IAPSO/GLOSS tidal constants data set (Le Provost/PSMSL/IHO). At GE6 there was a proposal for the PSMSL to act as a source of the complete IHB tidal constants data bank from which bona fide tidal researchers (and no others) would have access. Hans Rohde reported 28 May that to sort out this issue he has to send a Circular Letter to IHO Member States; November 1999 Hans reported that only a subset of the global data set will be made available this way; December 1999 a letter has been sent to the Canadians asking for the data to be sent to PSMSL. Prompted February 2000. April 2000 reports received that MEDS are to withdraw from the tidal data banking. Hans Rohde confirmed this. Needs some action by, for example, IAPSO CMSLT. 28. Joint report on future sea level monitoring by means of altimetry and tide gauges for St.Raphael meeting 1999 and possible subsequent publication (Mitchum et al). Done. Report published in St.Raphael proceedings. In addition, a fuller paper is planned on the same theme (Mitchum et al.) as of April 2000. 29. Implementation of recommendations for continuing the work of the Pilot Phase of the Indian Ocean 'CMAS' activity and of two proposals for sea level networks and storm surge warning systems in the Northern Indian Ocean (Somasundar/Shetye). 30. Implementation of GLOSS interests within APSG (Shum/Scherer/Chairman). Shum/Scherer to contact NEAR-GOOS regarding acquisition of sea level data from the region. 31. Survey of subsequent career paths of attendees at Sao Paulo training course in 1993, Dehra Dun course in 1995 and Buenos Aires course in 1996 (Mesquita/Shetye/Valladares). Mesquita reports that all attendees at USP 1993 course are accounted for and are active in sea level related research. 32. Circular letter by IHO requesting second hand tide gauges (Rohde). Done. A second letter has been circulated to IHO member states (December 1999) 33. Quality control report on Black Sea time series to agencies of region (Tsimplis/Chairman). Done. Report circulated. 34. Investigate Antarctic data not in PSMSL (see Table 2 of report of Zilberstein to GE6) with data copied to the PSMSL and Southern Ocean Centre when available (Zilberstein). 35. Understanding of differences in time series for certain Russian Arctic sites in time series of sea level available from local authorities and those kept by World Ocean data Center B or PSMSL (Zilberstein). 36. Investigation of release of data from the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to the community (Scherer). 37. Letter to be sent to Secretary of the EOSS COST Action in Brussels expressing GLOSS support and recommendation at GE6 (Chairman/IOC). Done. 38. Organization of University of Sao Paulo training course 1999 (De Mesquita). Done. Course took place in September with 2 guest lecturers from POL (Baker/Vassie) 39. Mission to Central and South America to assess facilities, requirements and historical data available (Gutierrez/IOC). Done (with RONMAC funds). Report available. 40. Investigate possible subsequent training course for the Americas either in Central America (e.g. Costa Rica) or at Sao Paulo once again, building upon experience of previous courses (Gutierrez/IOC). 41. Investigate possible training course in SE Asia region with possible training support from USA and Australia (Chairman) and a further course in Africa following the Cape Town course (Chairman/Brundrit). 42. MedGLOSS proposal to be submitted under the EU Framework 5 Programme (Rosen). Not done. 43. Establishment of 4 MedGLOSS Pilot Project digital, real time gauges in Romania, Croatia, Tunisia and Egypt (Rosen). Gauges in Romania, Croatia and Malta installed. Morocco imminent. MedGLOSS meeting took place spring 2000 in Israel. 44. Information to T.Aarup on national long term monitoring programmes for C-GOOS monitoring (All). 45. Investigate Lascaratos time series analysis package for GLOSS training (Chairman). Done. Alex Lascaratos reported that ten years ago he developed a package for time series analysis called SEASPECT based on his development of a set of Unix programs . At the time, time series analysis was one of his main occupations. These programs included various subprograms and 'goodies' : filtering, detrending, demeaning, subsampling etc. Then there were programs for power spectra (based on FFT) with various choices of windows for the spectral analysis plus zero padding, all with proper error statistics for various confidence levels. This for single time series analysis. Then there were a number of programs for cross spectral analysis with Correlation, Gain, and Phase spectra outputs and routines for Rotary spectra for vector time series with Clockwise and Anticlockwise spectra as outputs. All results could be either taken as numbers (in tables) or plotted. At one point, Gunnar Kullemberg visited Athens. He was presented with the various activities, among them the time series analysis routines. He liked them a lot and asked me if I could make a version which would run on PC's with the support of IOC. This is how SEASPECT was born. The package was prepared, then there was a workshop in Athens (Dec. 90) with various participants from Mediterranean countries to whom the package was presented and distributed free of charge together with a detailed User Manual. The whole story was very successful and demands kept being received for SEASPECT from various Med- and non-Med countries for a number of years (60-80 copies total delivered). The whole package was set up to run on XT's and AT's (which were the fastest and most modern PC's at the time...) but he had no time to convert the package to run under windows etc. as the group switched interests to numerical modeling. If it is now thought that it might interest a number of people, he could discuss the idea of re-vitalizing SEASPECT. (July 1999) 46. GLOSS brochure produced at POL in 1998 to be included on web as a PDF file (Chairman). Versions in French, Portuguese and Spanish to be investigated at IOC (Aarup) and/or translation versions to be produced by the GE group (Valladares/Marone). June 99: POL PDF files put on GLOSS web pages and Coreldraw files sent to above named for conversion into other languages. November 1999: Portuguese versions in Corel and PDF provided by Eduardo Marone. PDF files put onto GLOSS web pages. April 2000: Spanish version provided by Argentina now also on web. March 2001: French and Chines versions imminent. 47. GLOSS Bulletin issue 7 to be edited by POL (Chairman) and issues 8 and 9 by the NTF Australia (Scherer). Issue 7 produced August 1999 based on material from GE6. Wolfgang prompted June 2000 re. next issue. 48. Afro-America GLOSS News to be co-edited by USP and UCT on web with mirror sites (De Mesquita/Brundrit). February 2001: AAGN, 4(1), 2000 published on web by USP. 49. Attendance at data archaeology conference Washington, DC July 1999 (Mitchum and/or Aarup) to argue for rescue of sea level data and for the inclusion of sea level data in the GODAR project. Done. Mitchum arranged with Syd Levitus (meeting organiser) for sea level to be added to the agenda and gave one of the "invited" speaking slots and wrote a short section for the meeting report including a recommendation that GODAR put sea level on its list. Aarup also attended for the relevant day. October 2000: Rickards and Woodworth submitted to the IODE Conference a proposal for a joint GLOSS/IODE project on data archaeology. 50. Investigate Laserscan for chart digitizing (Rickards). Done. Lesley investigated using commercially available software (e.g. Laserscan Vtrack) to digitise charts automatically, instead of the customised software that tide gauge authorities often use. She had several charts digitised and their tidal curves track-followed, with heights and times interpolated onto a regular time grid. However, her opinion is that it is not straightforward and the resulting data sets need a lot of ad hoc 'fixing up' and the operation would need a specialist. Consequently, at the moment we are of the opinion that this would not provide a major saving on expense or time compared to the conventional manual or manual-digitising table methods (July 1999). May 2000: Dov Rosen is investigating a new scanning system in Israel. 51. Discussions with C-GOOS working panels on deployment of C-GOOS sea level stations, joint training with GLOSS etc. (Marone/Thompson/ Chairman). From Ed Marone May 2000: WE ARE FINISHING THE STRATEGIC PLAN FOR C-GOOS WHERE WE HOPE TO BETTER DEFINE THE C-GOOS "KIT" TO BE ADDED, WHEN POSSIBLE, TO GLOSS STATIONS. AS SOON AS KEITH, TOM AND I HAVE DETAILED INFORMATION (AND THE ABOVE SURVEY WILL BE IMPORTANT) WE WILL ADVANCE ON THAT ISSUE. 52. Investigate the production of diplomas or certificates for operators of GLOSS sites as a recognition of work, possibly based upon GLOSS training course certificates (IOC). April 2000: Suitable certificates printed by IOC. GLOSS Experts to be circulated as to suitable recipients. 53. Funding possibilities for GLOSS, follow-up of several ideas suggested at GE6 (Chairman/IOC). 54. Arrangements for a 'mini-GLOSS meeting' in 2000. Note Cook Islands South Pacific meeting in April 2000 (Chairman). No plans now for this mini-meeting although the Pacific meeting itself will still include much on sea level. 55. Arrangements for GE7 in 2001, suggested location being the University of Hawaii with an accompanying workshop on sea level science as a tribute to the work of Prof. Klaus Wyrtki (Chairman/IOC/Merrifield). Done. 56. Responsibility for publicizing the aims and achievements of GLOSS whenever possible (All). ACTIONS ADDED SINCE THE MEETING: 57. Letter to be written to Russian authorities stressing the importance of the Barentsburg tide gauge (IOC) and need for practical arrangements (Zilberstein/Plag). Oleg Zilberstein reported following GE6 that he had discussed the problems with the Barentsburg gauge (which was destroyed in December 1998) and the possibility of technical help from Norway with people in Roshydromet HQ. The more available way is to give the tide gauge direct on Svalbard. (We believe this means that the best thing to do is transfer the tide gauge in Barentsburg to a Norwegian operation or to give a Norwegian tide gauge to the local people in Barentsburg - to be clarified by Zilberstein and Plag). A formal letter of IOC to Deputy Head of Roshydromet Dr. S. Khodkin is necessary as next step (Aarup). 58. IHO production of a new Tidal Manual with GLOSS experts contributing if possible. Several names of possible co-authors were given to Hans Rohde in November 1999. April 2000 received news that IHO are not to go ahead with this project. 59. IOC support to the PERSGA-IOC GLOSS-related training course in Saudi Arabia in April 2000. Done. IOC funded the attendance of Mr. David Dixon (UK) as guest lecturer. Follow up to recommendations of the training course. 60. SCAR project on "Consolidation of Antarctic tide gauge information" John Manning (July 2000)