Revised Local Reference (RLR) Diagram for ST. NAZAIRE

Station ID: 457

RLR diagram based on the information in the datum section below

If the image above appears blurry, or you would like to see a larger image, please view the full-sized image of the RLR diagram.

Datum information

Add 3.905m to data values 1941-1942 to refer to RLR
Add 3.505m to data values 1957 onwards to refer to RLR
RLR is 12.757m below primary benchmark IGN NGF OKS 69

Ellipsoidal information from SONEL (explanation)

GNSSSolutionHeightVelocityEpochGNSS StartGNSS EndDistance
STNANGL1441.143 ± 0.007-0.73 ± 0.542020.00002013-10-032021-12-12242
STNAULR7a41.146 ± 0.008-0.62 ± 0.252020.00002013-10-032021-12-12242