Revised Local Reference (RLR) Diagram for ENGLISH BAY (ASCENSION ISLAND)

Station ID: 1831

RLR diagram based on the information in the datum section below

If the image above appears blurry, or you would like to see a larger image, please view the full-sized image of the RLR diagram.

Datum information

Add 7.000m to data values 1993-1998 to refer to RLR
Add 7.008m to data values 1999-2001 to refer to RLR
Add 6.996m to data values for 2005 to refer to RLR
Add 7.000m to data values 2006-2007 to refer to RLR
Add 6.996m to data values 2008-2010 to refer to RLR
Add 6.130m to data values for 2010 to refer to RLR
Add 6.117m to data values 2011 onwards to refer to RLR
RLR is 10.184m below primary benchmark POL 13

Ellipsoidal information from SONEL (explanation)

GNSSSolutionHeightVelocityEpochGNSS StartGNSS EndDistance
ASC1ULR7a8.196 ± 0.015-0.37 ± 0.302007.67261996-04-212007-09-037112
ASCGNGL148.172 ± 0.024-0.63 ± 0.812020.00002015-09-182023-03-236400
ASC1NGL148.200 ± 0.015Not robust2007.67151996-04-212007-09-037112
ASCGULR7a8.182 ± 0.0240.21 ± 0.262020.00002015-09-182023-03-236400
ASC1GT38.207 ± 0.015Not robust2007.67261996-04-212007-09-037112
ASC1JPL148.195 ± 0.016Not robust2020.00001996-04-212007-09-037112