=========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 13-Jan-1998 National Tidal Facility SEAFRAME station =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 25-Aug-2010 Supplying authority (NTC) have confirmed that all data refers to LAT (93-94). Tide gauge benchmark BM 201 is 2.0229 m above LAT. RLR (2009) is defined as 8.2 m below BM 201 =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 25-Aug-2010 Sensor appears to be subsiding NTC's Pacific country report for Samoa (December 2009) states that over the period 1992-2009, the sensor has fallen relative to the TGBM by 0.9 mm per year =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 03-Feb-2021 As well as adding 2020 data the value for March 2019 has been revised.