This directory contains files 'seta_h.text', 'seta_g.text', 'setb_h.text' and 'setb_g.text' which contain the regression fit outputs from the Subset A and Subset B fitting described in the accompanying paper. There is a line in each file for each record which satisfies the criteria for Subsets A and B. These were thinned out subsequently to avoid duplicates using the criteria described in the paper. For amplitudes (the _h files) the lines contain: 1. longitude (east) 2. latitude 3. tidal constituent (1 = M2, 2 = S2, 3 = K1, 4 = O1) 4. number of years of data used in the regression 5. first year of data used 6. last year of data used 7. average amplitude of the constituent (mm) 8. trend (mm/year) 9. standard error on the trend (mm/year) 10. percentage trend i.e. (trend/average)*100. 11. percentage standard error i.e. (standard error/average)*100. 12. amplitude of the nodal variation of the amplitudes (mm) 13. percentage nodal variation (i.e. [12]/[7]) 14. NSIGN parameter (see accompanying paper) 15. filename format: (2f8.3,2i4,2i5,7f9.3,i4,1x,a80) For phase lags (the _g files) the lines contain: 1. longitude (east) 2. latitude 3. tidal constituent (1 = M2, 2 = S2, 3 = K1, 4 = O1) 4. number of years of data used in the regression 5. first year of data used 6. last year of data used 7. average amplitude of the constituent (mm) 8. trend in phase lag (degrees/year) 9. standard error on the trend (degrees/year) 10. filename format: (2f8.3,2i4,2i5,3f9.3,1x,a80) The directory also contains sub-directories 'seta_ps' and 'setb_ps' which contain Postscript file maps for areas 1. World, 2. N America, 3. Europe and 4. Far East. Files with '_h' in the name contain trends in amplitudes .. '_g' .. trends in phase lags .. '_n' .. percentage nodal variation .. '_s' .. NSIGN parameter Files with '_h_2' and '_g_2' are as above but with five times higher resolution.