Revised Local Reference (RLR) Diagram for LAS PALMAS, PUERTO DE LA LUZ

Station ID: 590

RLR diagram based on the information in the datum section below

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Datum information

Add 5.520m to data values 1949-1951 to refer to RLR
RLR is 8.200m below primary benchmark BM

Ellipsoidal information from SONEL (explanation)

GNSSSolutionHeightVelocityEpochGNSS StartGNSS EndDistance
PLUZJPL1435.977 ± 0.006Not robust2020.00002004-04-062018-10-012116
PLUZNGL1432.459 ± 0.001Not robust2013.62632004-04-062018-10-012116
PLUZGT336.003 ± 0.001Not robust2013.62602004-04-062018-10-012116