=========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 15-Nov-1993 DATA RECEIVED FROM TOGA OFFICE =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 15-Oct-1996 float and well type gauge (Munro) =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 27-Aug-1999 data for 1979 and 1995-96 received directly from authority G5 =========================== FOLLOWING PSMSL DOCUMENTATION ADDED 17-Jun-2013 The RLR diagram for Charchanga has been revised. Previously rlrfac adjustments were made 1980-1981 and 1982-1985. However, when the PSMSL data holdings were compared with the UHSLC data anomalies were found. As a result just one rlrfac of 4.804m has been applied to the complete dataset.